Our company perform high-quality repair and finishing works in different cities of Israel, from north to south, from Eilat to Tiberias: Netanya, Herzliya, Holon, Hadera, Rishon Lezion, Caesarea. Turnkey repairs of new buildings, apartments and houses, restoration of building facades, renovation – we can do everything.

Service for construction and finishing services can be divided into two subspecies:
- Exterior finishing works ennobles the facade of building and protects it from the negative influence of external factors: rain, wind or scorching sun. It includes plastering, facing and painting works, ordinary, wet and decorative plastering of the facade with bark beetles.
- Internal finishing works are aimed at inside of building to protect against dampness and other negative factors, and decorate room. They include finishing, cladding and painting works, finishing with plasterboard walls, decorative and structural plastering, installation of stretch ceilings, painting and pasting the walls with wallpaper, and oil compositions.

Our specialists are always ready to advise and suggest which material is best suited in restoration of a private or apartment building, major or ordinary repairs, particular case. An individual approach to business is a guarantee of a quality result.
C&M Israel online services 24/7 Сonstruction and repair is a company with over 15 years of experience. Deals are concluded on time, agreements aren’t subject to disruption. We don’t impose unnecessary services on clients, do everything necessary and bring practical benefits to society.